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Floor tiles in Singapore are becoming increasingly popular. Residents are opting tiles over wood and other materials because of the advantages it offers. Tiles can be better looking, more durable and easier to maintain than other materials. Here, we look at some of the common floor tiles and their prices in Singapore. Homogenous tiles Homogeneous tiles, being dense, are the most robust tiles. They are unglazed and resistant to water. In commercial or residential places where the floors are used constantly, homogenous tiles are the preferred choice. The price of homogenous tiles may range from… Read Article →

The use of floor tiles varies from place to place and from building to building. The use of tiles adds value to the architecture as it gets noticed easily. While tiles may not be used everywhere, some places won’t use anything apart from tiles. Over the years, tiles have evolved to become more attractive and long-lasting. The tiles commonly used for residential houses may not be used for offices and other public buildings. Similarly, places of worship will have their own types of tile styles. Residential houses Tiles are common in residential houses and include,… Read Article →

Ceramic tiles are naturally made from mixing clay with water and heating it till a flattened product is formed. The versatility of ceramic makes it the ideal choice for covering all surfaces — from the living room to the kitchen backsplash. Creating different looks is an easy task with ceramic tile play. Style is transient while the materials are eternal, here are five such trends specific to ceramic tiles: Large slabs: A concept that Italians are well acquainted with are large tile slabs. The approach to define large, is however changed. Tiles as large as… Read Article →

Green colored, algae infested pool from the Rio Olympics is fresh in everyone’s mind. This overnight growth was linked to lowered pH blamed caused by the lack of buffers. When pH drops, apart from increasing chances of algae growth, metal fixtures are also corroded. It is common to notice discoloration of pool water or stains along the tiles. While most stains are removable, there are few adamant ones that get lightened but never fully erased. Removing ugly stains from the pool Hold the urge to start scrubbing every time you see a stain. Evaluate the… Read Article →

You will observe plenty of modern homes using mosaic flooring since they offer a unique opportunity to the contemporary homeowners to design an interesting and unique tile design according to their personal preferences. Moreover, mosaic tiles are available in a host of material types such as mosaic, porcelain, and glass. No matter whatever mosaic yield that you select for your house, there is no doubt that it can be a great addition to your home decor if you take proper care of it. Mosaic flooring is like any other type of flooring in the sense… Read Article →

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